All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven: A Review

All the Bright Places by Jennifer NivenTheodore Finch has been contemplating death and how he might end his own life for years. But whenever he starts to think really hard about killing himself something good, even a small good thing, makes him reconsider. It’s hard to stay present and Awake, but once he surfaces Finch is always willing to try.

Violet Markey is counting the days until graduation when she can leave her small Indiana town and the sharp pain of her sister’s sudden death behind.

When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it’s easy for everyone to believe that Violet saved Finch. But that isn’t the truth.

After, when they pair up for a school project to explore the wonders of their state, both Finch and Violet realize they might have found exactly who they need in each other. But while Violet begins to embrace life again, Finch finds himself struggling to stay Awake and in the moment in All the Bright Places (2015) by Jennifer Niven.

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All the Bright Places is Niven’s first novel written for young adults. It was also optioned for a movie before its official release date.

All the Bright Places is very similar to The Fault in Our Stars both thematically and stylistically. It is also poised to be a defining book of 2015 (and possibly also of whatever year the movie adaptation is released if it moves beyond developmental stages) with its appeal and buzz not to mention critical acclaim in the form of several starred reviews.

It is also worth noting that this book is beautifully packaged with a lot of great details ranging from the cover colors to the post it note motif and even a special message on the spine of the physical book.

Unfortunately, as is often the case with such an anticipated title, Niven’s generally strong writing only serves to underscore the numerous flaws within this incredibly frustrating novel.

Spoilers ahead as we delve into deeper discussion . . .

Despite the fledgling relationship between Finch and Violet, All the Bright Places is not a romance. It is not a heartwarming story. It is a story about mental illness and grieving.

While there is recovery here along with moments of optimism, there is no happy ending. Having the novel work in alternating narrations linearly from Finch and Violet’s first meeting through Violet being left to deal with the aftermath of Finch’s death does strange things to the pacing of this novel as the action ebbs and flows in unsatisfying ways while Finch and Violet’s relationship begins to feel more and more tenuous.

(I maintain that a stronger structure would have been to start the novel with Finch already dead while Violet is finishing the “wandering” that Finch left for her. Within that framework Finch and Violet’s initial meeting and building relationship could have become flashbacks within the novel. The story would have then ended with Finch’s death.)

Before going further it’s also worth mentioning that All the Bright Places was at least partly inspired by Niven’s own life as a young person who lost “a boy she loved” to suicide as she mentions in the afterword of the novel. Because of Niven’s personal experiences, it’s difficult to say here what problems come from ill-conceived plot inventions and what might be reflecting real life experience (however frustrating).

A lot of other reviewers are going to talk to you about Finch being a great character. And he is. But he is also so troubled and so broken. Facts which are glossed over in favor of the sweeping nature of his whirlwind romance with Violet.

Finch has no support system throughout the novel as he struggles with his bipolar disorder. In terms of adult figures, that is a combination of choice on Finch’s part (lying to his counselor and fostering his bad reputation such as it is around school) and complete and utter incompetence on the part of said adult figures (like the counselor as well as others).

Finch’s mother is particularly infuriating as she not only does nothing to help Finch but is also completely oblivious.

Absent parents are par for the course in YA at this point but having a mother in a novel published in 2015 who is only reachable by a land line phone (one that her children get to first to delete messages about absences or other things) stretches plausibility beyond all reason. The lack of communication or a cell phone, particularly given the fact that Finch’s mother works as a real estate agent, makes zero sense. That the mother also insists her children attend weekly dinners with their father (her ex-husband) and his new wife and stepson is also mind boggling given that the father is abusive. It is also implied that Finch’s father also suffers from bipolar disorder which raises questions about why his abusive behavior seems to get a pass throughout the novel.

Again, maybe this is based on real life but with absolutely no supporting justification in the text it just makes for another plot hole.

In terms of friends and siblings, Finch’s lack of support continues to involve incompetence with the added bonus combination of insensitivity and a variety of enablers. Finch’s sister covers for his episodes of depression while everyone writes off his manic episodes as yet more weird behavior.

Even Violet, when she does try to help, does so with a complete lack of followup as she asks her parents to intervene. They leave a voicemail for Finch’s mother (which is again deleted before she hears it). Niven mentions, fairly, that mental illness is often accompanied by a stigma and that people don’t want to talk about it. But when everyone knows that Finch is in free fall wouldn’t some degree of follow up beyond initial calls from the counselor and Violet’s parents have made sense?

Not to these characters.

An appropriate alternative title for this book would have been All of the People Who Failed Theodore Finch. (I am not exaggerating when I say that the person who did the most to help Finch during the novel is a supposed mean girl character Amanda Monk.)

This lack of support is compounded in All the Bright Places as Finch’s character is framed as too special to be in this world for long. On page 378 of my advance copy Violet describes Finch as “burning brightly” and also as someone who “cannot, will not, die like everyone else” and instead leaves a lingering legend and legacy. While this is a beautiful sentiment it also casts Finch in such a way that suggests treatment never would have helped–that suicide might have been the inevitable conclusion for someone like Finch. Whether intentional or not, that is a deeply problematic idea for any novel.

Violet has the potential to be a great character but she suffers by being in Finch’s shadow and also being, for lack of a better term, written poorly.

In the beginning of the novel Violet is consumed by grief for her sister. In the middle third she is consumed by feelings for Finch and their relationship. In the end, as she moves past yet more grief to come into her own, we might finally have a sense of the real Violet who is trying to start a new web magazine for girls. Except that is when the novel ends.

When Violet and Finch begin dating, they also sleep together. Which is fine and often appropriate for a YA novel. Unfortunately instead of being handled well, Niven’s treatment of Violet’s sexuality is appalling.

Early in the novel (page 47 of my advance copy) Violet describes a friend talking about sex as having a slutty voice which “goes sluttier” as the conversation continues. Aside from having literally no meaning in any sense, this description suggests that even talking about sex does . . . what exactly? Makes a girl promiscuous? Less than? It’s not even clear.

Later in the novel (248 in my arc) after Finch and Violet have slept together Violet is somewhat relieved to hear from a mutual friend that Finch isn’t going to go around and brag about it. As Violet says, guys do talk. She goes on to say that while having sex with Finch felt right in the moment, she now feels “a little slutty, but also kind of grown up.” So to review having sex with her boyfriend, is being equated here with being a slut. Again aside from making no sense this theme continues to be awful.

At the same time it is worth mentioning that Violet remembers in a flashback to a sleepover with mean girl Amanda Monk that boys operate on a double standard for girls where girls who do have sex are “sluts” while those who do not are “teases” and the girls at the sleepover realize the catch-22 nature of this binary.

Perhaps Niven is making some grander point about internalized misogyny here by having these self-aware thoughts about sexuality. Perhaps she might even have made that point successfully. Except that Violet is the one having these thoughts and enacting the internalized misogyny again and again. Later in the novel Violet sneaks out–without permission from her parents–to see Finch and she wonders what they’d think if they knew that she was not driving to visit a friend but sneaking out to have sex with her boyfriend which yet again equates her sexuality as being something wrong and something about which she needs to lie.

There is never any payoff at the end of the novel with Violet coming to some great realization about all of this. Violet mentions wanting a sex life column for the magazine she is starting but we never see or hear what that will look like. We never see what could be called a positive attitude about sex in any way. Instead all we have is weak and frustrating writing.

Aside from Violet and Finch all of the characters in All the Bright Places are thinly drawn ranging from vague descriptions–mean girl Amanda Monk, all-American popular guy Ryan Cross–to unsatisfying stereotypes. Finch’s friends, such as they are, include Brenda who is a heavier girl who hates anyone who is less than a size twelve. Finch’s best friend Charlie is black (but not, as the book points out, the CW kind–again whatever that means) and doesn’t want to go into sports (although of course he could because he’s fantastically athletic) because he doesn’t want to become a black stereotype. Instead of making any of these characters feel well-realized these pat descriptions sit on the page without much foundation.

Niven’s writing is often beautiful but it is also infuriating as the novel varies wildly between twee, whimsical moments and the seriously heartbreaking failings that lead to Finch’s suicide.

All the Bright Places will find its place among readers who seek out novels about grief or tragic romances. It might even add to the conversation surrounding mental illness in some meaningful ways. Unfortunately, capitalizing on the Zeitgeist isn’t enough to erase numerous plot holes or an egregious treatment of the main character’s sexuality among other lesser flaws.

Possible Pairings: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark, Can’t Look Away by Donna Cooner, Last Night at the Circle Cinema by Emily Franklin, The 39 Deaths of Adam Strand by Gregory Galloway, The Fault in Our Stars by John GreenCharlie, Presumed Dead by Anna Heltzel, The After Girls by Leah Konen, The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry Lyga, Falling Through Darkness by Carolyn MacCullough, I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales, The Edge of Falling by Rebecca A. Serle, How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford, The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder

UPDATE: If you want to see how the portrayal of mental illness resonated with a different reader check out Arianna Rebolini’s post on Buzzfeed.

19 thoughts on “All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven: A Review

  1. I also reviewed this today and though I did like it overall, I had a few of the same questions you did. I thought I was being weird with my obsession with Finch’s father. He broke his ex-wife’s jaw. Why did these kids feel obligated to visit him? Why was no one but me worried about his seven year old son? Okay, thanks — I feel better :)
    Jen @ YA Romantics


    1. Glad to help! It’s a weird thing because I feel like some of the clumsy parts might have been pulled from Niven’s own experiences. But we’ll never know that for sure one way or the other.


  2. Im pretty curious about this one since its apparently all the buzz. I tried not to read to much into your review (since you’re amazing and i get to read this b/c of you) but you seem to have made valid points about the integrity of certain topics. My family has dealt with a ton of mental illness (myself included) so I’m curious to see how that is portrayed as well. Thanks again for the chance to read this!
    ~Britt @ please Feed the bookworm


    1. Thanks Britt. I tried to clearly mark spoilers so I wouldn’t ruin it for any eager readers. I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts!


  3. I reviewed this today too, and while I enjoyed parts of the novel, like Finch’s character, I had some of the same issues with it. With regards to all the adults failing Finch, while tragic, I think in some ways, its believable. I think the problem is the lack of character development to support the decisions made by them. Finch’s mom was broken, and living in a fog (though I get your point about the cell phone thing). I think the counselor started putting it together too late to make a difference. I also thought Violet was a flat character, and did pick up on the slut-shaming. I think it’s completely realistic for a girl to feel that way—I felt that way as a teen—and it’s sad that we didn’t see Violet move beyond that. Part of the problem, I fear, lies in a writer who is new to the young adult market. I also found your point about the structure insightful. I hadn’t thought of that, but I do think the story could have been stronger and allowed for more development of Violet’s character had it started with Finch’s death, which most readers will find inevitable from the beginning, and been told in flashback. Thank you so much for the insightful and detailed review.


    1. Thanks Molly. I don’t have a lot of personal experience here to draw on so I did try to be reasonable with some of my analysis but there were just so many questions here.

      I do wonder quite a bit about the YA/Not YA gap. I think it probably contributed to several of the novel’s shortcomings. Hopefully if Niven continues with YA novels, they will only get better from here!


  4. This is such a great review. I didn’t really care for this book for more emotional/gut-reaction reasons, but I love the thoughtful, specific way you’ve written about your problems with this book.


  5. I am very curious to see if this book brings up any discussions about mental illness in youth. I suspect it won’t. I also suspect I won’t read it because I’ll be too incredibly frustrated by the way it treats mental illness…


    1. I think framing this as a TFIOS read-a-like is going to minimize a lot of discussion out of hand unfortunately. That said Niven did mention in her afterword that she did reaearch and spoke with people who have bipolar disorder. From my very limited understanding, Finch’s portrayal seemed authentic at least. Though again that adds a problematic layer to the ending.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right. I understand the author wanting to write the story her way, but with him dying in the end…it’s different than Augustus dying. Very different.


  6. You raised so many interesting points that I just didn’t get at all when I read the book; but I really loved your in depth review and seeing someone’s opinion on a book I adored that didn’t adore the book haha. As someone who grew up around bipolar disorder and abuse I really connected with aspects of the story that dealt with this because it was realistic in many ways to my own experiences.


    1. Thank you! I always like seeing the opposite side for a book (whether I liked it or not) so I’m happy to see that others feel the same way.


  7. “An appropriate alternative title for this book would have been All of the People Who Failed Theodore Finch. (I am not exaggerating when I say that the person who did the most to help Finch during the novel is a supposed mean girl character Amanda Monk.)

    “This lack of support is compounded in All the Bright Places as Finch’s character is framed as too special to be in this world for long. On page 378 of my advance copy Violet describes Finch as “burning brightly” and also as someone who “cannot, will not, die like everyone else” and instead leaves a lingering legend and legacy. While this is a beautiful sentiment it also casts Finch in such a way that suggests treatment never would have helped–that suicide might have been the inevitable conclusion for someone like Finch. Whether intentional or not, that is a deeply problematic idea for any novel.”

    This. I mean, this is precisely how I felt about the novel too – like Finch’s suicide was already a foregone conclusion (because of course he HAS to die in order to teach Violet how to live; and from the beginning of the book, there’s already this sense for Finch that it’s “not today – because she smiled at me,” but that of course the day he takes his own life is inevitably coming. & the inevitability of his death really bothered me as well.

    And yes, I also thought this too – All the People Who Failed Theodore Finch – would be a great alternate title for the book.


  8. Oh! I never even thought of how the novel could have been if it started with Finch already being dead and then following Violet as she finishes the wandering project. I already like that idea so much better, and to be honest, I think that would make for an excellent adaptation. (If I’m being honest… I’ll probably see this movie because the book wasn’t a complete waste of time for me. I just really hope that they can somehow incorporate Dakota Fanning as Eleanor somehow.)

    I agree with everything you have here about Finch’s family! It was so frustrating, but it was still so annoying to see how passive they were about everything. It really angered me when Finch’s dad beats him one of the Sunday night dinners and his sister pretty much says “serves you right.” LIKE OMG. I WANTED TO SLAP HER FOR NOT STANDING UP FOR HIM. I feel like something, anything about child protective services should have been mentioned because the Finch kids clearly needed those services.

    I also strongly disliked all of the sexuality issues in this book. Like it’s 2015… Can we not slut shame in YA? (That’s how I saw it… I couldn’t read those comments and narratives any other way.) Like did no one learn anything from Mean Girls? I just feel for all the high school girls who read that section, and get baffled because it’s just, for lack of a better world, stupid. Those comments could have been removed from the narrative and dialogue.

    You know what’s funny… I normally like about depression and suicide, but this one and my last one (Thirteen Reasons Why) have been complete busts.

    Emma, I’m just so glad you linked me to this. I kind of figured when I learned that you didn’t like this book that I probably wouldn’t either, but seeing it in writing makes me feel SO much better.

    Okay… I feel like I’ve written a novel now, which isn’t true at all, but I’m sure you get the point. Yeah. But seriously… thank you so much for this review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erin! This comment made my day! I don’t usually try to impose my own editorial ideas on a book but I so wish it had been structured this way instead. Maybe the movie will? (And gosh I hope it does have Elle and Dakota now that you mention it!) The language was definitely one of the most frustrating aspects for me–I hope it’s something that Niven does not repeat in her subsequent novels.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awe! I’m so glad. :)

        I hope maybe someone from Hollywood stumbles on your review and gets the idea to structure the movie that way, all though I know it will probably anger everyone who read and loved the book because it wouldn’t follow it. (But… I took a class called Literary Pirates, and we did a whole unit on adapting books for film, so I have a much greater appreciation for when producers tweak things to their own tastes now.)

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Finch says lovely is a word that should be used more often. I think back and I say : it contradictions with how the book ended. Its even better with the label ‘ all the people who failed finch’ because basically that’s how the story leads us. At the funeral I feel every one should have been rattled by their shoulders. I’ m an angry sad reader . When Violets parents labelled him as ‘ disturbed’ why didn’t they do something real , physical other than leave messages? When violet discovered that there was something wrong with him that was the time she was supposed to act and even come out stronger. What about the said school ‘ counsellor’ was there an effort he could have put beyond the office?? So many questions. Should they have been weeping on Finch’s final day? Did they even deserve it?

    It’s sad for anyone facing the same mental issues. I totally disagree with the ultimate ending of finch’s life as well as the narration of the characters story including violet. He deserved more and so does every reader and anyone going through the struggle and however is reading the story.
    Why is no one angry, Why? No one speaking of a second book where the possibility of Finch being alive is true?? What about the fact that body retrieved could not have been his ? What about those going through this battle , do they have a harsh hopeless alternative?? Everything is so wrong . Take that minute and think.


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