Week in Review: June 19

missprintweekreviewThis week on the blog you can check out:

This week I conquered a lot of things on my to-do list. Including streamlining how I track my to do list. I have a refillable journal with a blank notebook and a calendar one so I’ve started a weird hybrid of bullet journaling and a calendar tracker with reward stickers. It’s probably not as efficient as it could be but it works for me.

I am down to under $1000 to pay off on my 2014 back taxes which is a huge milestone. I have other debt but the IRS debt is especially stressful for me so I’m excited to have it so close to being finished.

I had a cold for most of this week but might (finally) be getting over it. I also had a consultation with an oral surgeon who I didn’t hate and who didn’t give me a panic attack so I’m feeling a lot better about getting my wisdom teeth out this summer.

I used my convalescence to knock a lot of books off my to read list which had been causing my undue stress. Books read include:



Lots of stuff happening at work too which was good because it’s exciting. But bad because who wants to deal with a lot of stuff while sick? I got to train some librarians for Sunday Service. Had a class visit with an awesome class of third graders. Ran Teen Tech Time for the week (we played Just Dance 2016 on the wiiU and I finally figured out how to reset all of the names to default). Reorganized our tech cabinet so it’s not a disaster. And had a meeting with my amazing committee to plan for our Fall New Books presentation and pregame for Mock Printz. It’s already generating a lot of work and involves many (many) moving parts but I’m really excited to see what we come up with and am already trying to figure out which books to present because there are so many good ones to choose.

If you want to see how my month in reading is shaking out be sure to check out my June Reading Tracker.

How was your week?