Linktastic! Mixed Bag Edition

I know. You thought I was out of crazy links I lost temporarily in the black hole that is my Twitter favorites. You’d be wrong.

Linktastic! Silly Quiz Edition

I save links on Twitter to read at a later date sometimes and I apparently forgot to do that for two months SO I give a monster Linktastic! post to peruse with many personality quizzes:

  • Buzzfeed’s “Which Disney Pet Are You?” Quiz tells me that I am Pascal the Chameleon from Tangled: “You radiate creativity and enjoy doing anything that allows you to use your imagination. Everyone wants to hang out with you because you’re an incredibly supportive and loyal friend. Sometimes you’re a little bit afraid of the unknown, but you’re working on being less skittish about trying new things.”
  • Not a quiz per se but a Bustle article about what your favorite Harry Potter book says about you: Mine is number 3: “You don’t judge a person by rumors you’ve heard, because you know that sometimes learning a bit of backstory will completely change your mind. Though you’ve had your share of tough days and can relate to the feeling that dementors inspire, you’re also incredibly hopeful (and you know that chocolate can help a lot). You also own a time-turner necklace and you REALLY want to visit Hogsmeade.” It’s all true.
  • Which Banned Book Are You? I got Beloved by Toni Morrison which, embarrassingly, I have not read.
  • Which Halloween Town Should You Live in? Halloweentown because OBVIOUSLY.  “When it comes to Halloween, you are drawn to fun festivities over scary ones. You love to carve pumpkins, dress up, and watch Disney Channel Halloween movies while drinking cider. As a person, you are family- and community-oriented. What can you say? You love people. You will be right at home with the Cromwells in Halloweentown.”
  • Write Your Very Own Hit YA Novel With Our John Green Book Generator:

    The Euphoria of Canyons

     Colton is a senior at Susan B. Anthony High School in West Kensington, a few miles outside of Los Angeles. Colton is a great student. His favorite subject is Bio-Chem, but his true passion is yodeling. Rodd the Bodd and Vincent never know what he’s talking about, but the three of them are best friends anyway, and have been ever since Colton moved to West Kensington after his brother went missing. After his long-time girlfriend Violet breaks up with him, Colton becomes infatuated by Flor, the brunette with a tattoo of a dreidel on her neck. But even though she seems like the perfect girl, she’s actually the secret illegitimate daughter of the president. Despite their differences, they fall in love and spend the summer together. But one week before they go off to college, tragedy strikes. Flor is seriously injured while saving a friend’s life, and their relationship may never be the same.

Linktastic! Thoughtful Pop Culture Articles Edition

Remember how I forgot I had about a million links saved to read on Twitter? Well I’m still chipping away at that. Today I give you some pop culture-y links.

Linktastic! I forgot I had saved all these links edition

I save links on Twitter to read at a later date sometimes and I apparently forgot to do that for two months SO I give you a monster Linktastic! post to peruse:

Linktastic! : I missed a week’s worth of links because of BEA edition

As the title suggests, I missed a ton of stuff last week while I was running around doing BEA things. Here are some links of note:

  • Head over to SLJ for a comprehensive selection of books about teens with special needs.
  • For five years author Leila Sales received texts meant for a variety of other Leila’s due to a technological glitch. The texts can be found here:
  • I don’t watch Outlander or Game of Thrones (and honestly I’m not likely to start for a variety of reasons) BUT I have been following the outcry from a resent GOT episode (I bet you know which one) and found this article to be an interesting contrast between both shows and how they handled very dark material.
  • I started Chick Lit Wednesday here on the blog as a way to highlight, well, books girls would read. Within its first year, the feature morphed into a way to showcase books with strong female characters and also books by female authors. One thing I’ve continued to struggle with is the feature name. I think Chick Lit, on its own, is a stupid and arbitrary term. But I also like the idea of reclaiming the term but using it to highlight books that might not always be “chick lit” in a marketing sense. Anyway, A History Of The Term ‘Chick Flick’ And How It Marginalizes Female Filmmakers looks at how the term is applied to movies and how the terminology has changed over time and is both detrimental and largely irrelevant at this point.
  • As you might already know, I am obsessed with Mike Curato’s Little Elliot books. Part of Macmillan’s marketing for the latest installment, Little Elliot, Big Family, involves posing for a portrait with Elliot, Mouse and Mouse’s extended family. Thanks to you can also make a pre-existing photo 100% better with a Little Elliot portrait frame.
  • If that’s not enough, thanks to Epic Reads you can also make your very own Dumplin’ as seen on the cover of Dumplin‘ by Julie Murphy:
  • Thanks to Hannah @ So Obsessed With, I’ve been getting back into notebooks and I already use a lot of stationary for my own pen pals and for PostCrossing. Consequently, this article about Japanese pens was immediately fascinating to me. (For the record I like anything that rolls out ink like a marker more than a pen. Recent favorites include Le Pen brand.)
  • Since we’re already talking about writing utensils the logical next step is A Brief Yet Complex Color History of Crayola Crayons and
  • One of my favorite reads from 2015 is A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. If, like me, you are a fan of the book, you might want to explore the beautiful website that Tor made for the book.
  • Take this quiz to find out which YA genre book you are most like. I got Contemporary Romance which is leading to a minor identity crisis and forcing me to re-evaluate a lot of things.

Linktastic! Hunger Games, National Book Awards and More Edition! (12/5/14)

  • How “The Hunger Games” Challenges Old Hollywood Expectations About Gender Roles by Allison Willmore at Buzzfeed: “Peeta may require the occasional rescuing, but Katniss is more than capable of figuring that out, and in flipping these roles, The Hunger Games has become a YA adaptation that shakes up the way we think about action, and — maybe more importantly — about romance.”
  • What Really Makes Katniss Stand Out? Peeta, Her Movie Girlfriend by Linda Holmes at NPR: “In fact, you could argue that Katniss’ conflict between Peeta and Gale is effectively a choice between a traditional Movie Girlfriend and a traditional Movie Boyfriend.”
  • How The “Hunger Games” Team Brought “Mockingjay – Part 1” From The Page To The Screen by Adam B. Vary on Buzzfeed: “His shock could have been due to the daunting task of transforming Collins’ darkest and most psychological novel into a global commercial blockbuster, or having to artificially split the book’s narrative into two franchise-extending movies. Instead, the reason was much more straightforward.”
  • National Book Award winners this year include Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
  • Being a White Guy in Children’s Books by Roger Sutton at The Horn Book: “It’s a nice life that’s easy to get used to. But as Handler learned, it can bite you in the ass. There he was in the spotlight, doing what he’s been amply rewarded for doing for years, and he overreached.” (Be sure to also read the comments here!)
  •  Handler Donates $110,000 to We Need Diverse Books by Claire Kirch at Publisher’s Weekly: “WNDB gave away as “featured” swag for each $75 contribution during the 24-hour period that Handler matched donations a signed copy of Woodson’s novel, Brown Girl Dreaming, which won this year’s National Book Award for Young People’s Literature. More than 150 copies had been given away to contributors by Saturday morning.”
  • I Sacrifice, Therefore I Am Good: Young Adult Fiction Heroines and Self-Destruction by Katja Huru at PopMatters: “What makes Tris’s behavior problematic beyond the obvious level, however, is that her self-sacrificing behavior is validated through her motivations. The act itself is not important, only the reasons behind it.” I’m still not sure about this essay–and it has a ton of spoilers for the Divergent trilogy–but this is still a very interesting read.

Linktastic!: 4/11/14 Edition

This Linktastic! post has so many cool things that it cannot even be categorized!

Linktastic!: 4/5/14 Edition with many bookish things

Many bookish things to share today!

Lintastic 2/14 Edition: Valentines, Love Notes, and other Romantic (or not-so-romantic) Edition

Lots of Valentine-y things for you guys this week!

Linktastic!: Stories and Memories and Feminism (1/27/14) Edition

More links! More feminism! Also stories and memories and baby names!