Author Interview: Gloria Chao on When You Wish Upon a Lantern

When You Wish Upon a Lantern was one of my favorite reads in 2023 (read my review). I loved the way the dual points of view played off each other, the sense of community, the sweet romance between Liya and Kai and, of course, I loved the humor. I’m happy to share my interview with Gloria Chao all about this delightful contemporary novel with you today:

Miss Print: Can you tell me a bit about your path as a writer? How did you get to this point?

Gloria Chao: I had a windy path here, studying business at MIT and becoming a dentist before I discovered my love for writing. I was so miserable in dental school that I turned to reading to help me get through, then eventually writing. My debut novel, American Panda, is inspired by my experiences, and is about a girl who whose parents want her to become a doctor despite her hatred of germs. That was the manuscript that landed me a literary agent through cold querying, and I’ve been lucky to continue publishing since then with Our Wayward Fate, Rent a Boyfriend, When You Wish Upon a Lantern, and the forthcoming Ex Marks the Spot (coming January 21, 2025). And stay tuned for more announcements!

I feel thankful every day that I get to write books and movies as my career. And I’m thankful to spend my days in fictional characters’ heads instead of real people’s mouths!

Miss Print: What was the inspiration for When You Wish Upon a Lantern?

Gloria Chao: When You Wish Upon a Lantern began with my desire to capture the Taiwanese custom of writing wishes on the sides of lanterns and sending thousands of them into the sky simultaneously. This is why the book begins with the image of a dark night sky full of wishes and dreams.

Overall, I wanted to write a contemporary story that feels like magic, with the magic coming from kind acts for others. I hoped to remind people that even though it’s rare, magic can be found in the real world. And sometimes you have to make your own magic.

This book then grew into my love letter to my culture, featuring some of my favorite traditions, holidays, food, folk tales, and more. This book is a celebration—of the beauty of everyday moments, of love, of community, of my culture.

Miss Print: This novel alternates chapters between Liya and Kai as narrators. Did you always know this book would feature two narrators? How did you balance the alternating points of view while telling the story and revealing plot points?

Gloria Chao: When I started drafting When You Wish Upon a Lantern, I knew I wanted both Liya and Kai’s points of view because I wanted to maximize the efficacy of the wish granting, where each character could go off and work on the mission. I also wanted the reader to know how each character felt about the other.

And once I decided on dual points of view, I tried to use it as much as I could. For example, Liya talks in her point of view about how she’s not superstitious, but then Kai reveals in his that she’s not superstitious but medium stitious. Liya also talks about how sly she is, but then Kai reveals to the reader that she completely lacks the ability to lie. It was such a fun way to help the readers know the characters quickly, to show them how the characters see each other, and to provide some humor.

Miss Print: When You Wish Upon a Lantern is very grounded in community with the Huang’s lantern shop and the Jiang family bakery feeling like characters in the story. Did any real locations inspire the places that are important to Liya and Kai in the story?

Gloria Chao: Thank you so much! I wanted to create a tight-knit community that readers could feel a part of, so I’m especially happy you felt the locations were characters in the story. The Huang family lantern shop is inspired by the quintessential random store found in most Chinatowns that carries everything from lucky bamboo plants to rice cookers to Hello Kitty paraphernalia. Kai’s bakery is inspired by an amalgamation of Chinese bakeries I’ve loved throughout the years. I wanted these places to feel like home, not just to the characters, but to the readers as well.

Miss Print: What does a typical writing day look like for you?

Gloria Chao: I am fortunate to write full-time, so I spend the whole day at my computer.

A few random tidbits about my writing process:

  • I’m a very linear writer, and I like to work off a detailed outline that I’ll continue adding to as I draft or revise.
  • Related to being a linear writer, I like to edit as I write. If a previous scene isn’t working, I like to figure it out before I move on.
  • When I write dual points of views, I take detailed notes on each character’s voice so I can more easily slip out of one and into the other.

Miss Print: Can you tell me anything about what you’re currently working on?

Gloria Chao: I have so many exciting projects in the works I can’t wait to share about! My next young adult romance was just announced. EX MARKS THE SPOT is about a girl who discovers a puzzle in her estranged grandfather’s will, then embarks on an inheritance hunt that will take her through Taiwan and force her to work with her ex, only to find that her family has hidden more than treasure. This is my first rivals-to-lovers story, and overall, it’s a love letter to my parents’ home of Taiwan and to my love of puzzles, games, and puns. It’s an epic adventure with a Taipei summer program, large cast, and all my favorite Taiwan sights and food.

I’m also working on my first adult book and first mystery, which has been so much fun. I love exploring something new with each project, and this one is different from my previous books in so many exciting ways. Stay tuned for more information about that! I’m also a screenwriter and hope I can share more about that one day.

Miss Print: Do you have any advice to offer aspiring authors?

Gloria Chao: If I can do it, you can! Try to always remember why you started writing. If you can hang on to that passion, it’ll get you through the harder writing days. I also try to appreciate each step and focus on what I love most about each stage.

And it does get easier the more you do it.

Happy writing!


You can find out more about Gloria and her books on her website:

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