Our Voice of Fire: A Memoir of a Warrior Rising by Brandi Morin: A Review

After years working as a journalist, Brandi Morin turns her reporter’s lens to her own past in this debut memoir. Starting from the advent of her own reporting on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women/2 Spirits Epidemic (#MMIWG2S), Morin delves into her time in the foster system,  experiences as a runaway, and her own challenges with substance abuse in Our Voice of Fire: A Memoir of a Warrior Rising (2022) by Brandi Morin.

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Morin’s journey in Our Voice of Fire is empowering, timely, and informative. With a strong focus on Morin’s personal life, the memoir can also be disjointed with a non-linear timeline and chapters jumping from through to thought in a stream of consciousness style. Although Morin is primarily concerned with survival and success, readers should be advised that moving through the anguish of Morin’s past can be hard to take and deeply sad–read with care.

Check out the audiobook to hear this memoir as read by the author. Morin looks on her past including her own challenges and triumphs with clear eyes. Refusing to dwell on past regrets, Our Voice of Fire instead focuses on how far Morin has come how far there is still to go in terms of combatting societal oppression.

Possible Pairings: Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement by Tarana Burke, Everything I Never Dreamed: My Life Surviving and Standing Up to Domestic Violence by Ruth M. Glenn, You Too?: 25 Voices Share Their #MeToo Stories edited by Janet Gurtler, Toufah: The Woman Who Inspired an African #Metoo Movement by Toufah Jallow with Kim Pittaway, She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Ignited a Movement by Jodi Kantor and Meghan Twohey, Know My Name by Chanel Miller

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